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How do I cite a source within a source in Harvard?

This is called ‘Citing a secondary source’. If you did not read the original publication, only include the source you did read in your reference list. The words 'cited in' indicate that you have not read the original research.

For example, if Kelleher cited Smith's work in his/her research and you did not read Smith's work, you should refer to Smith in-text in the following way:

      Sarah Smith highlights the importance of tone (2005, cited in Kelleher 2009) when communicating ...

In the reference list, provide the details of the article you actually used (Kelleher):

  Kelleher T (2009) ‘Conversational voice’, Journal of Communication, 59(1):172–188, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.01410.x.

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