Can I donate books to the Library
Southern Cross University Library is grateful to those seeking to support our book and journal collections with donations. Predominately, we collect material that supports our University teaching and research, and special collections of the library as outlined in the Library Collection Development Policy.
All donations will be reviewed and only accepted if they meet our standards for selection. As a general rule, books and journals will only be added to the collection based on the same criteria as purchased material, including:
Being in good physical condition;
Not already held in our collections or available online; and
Relevance to the University’s teaching and research programs.
The library reserves the right to determine the retention, location, cataloguing treatment, and other considerations related to the use of the items. The library assumes no responsibility for appraisal of items, nor can the library accept items under conditions.
If you would like to donate books or journals, we require a list of titles (including title, author, publisher & year), and any relevant information around your collection that would assist us in our assessment. Please email the list to the address below.
Any general enquiries about donations may also be directed to the Team Leader, Resource Services at